What Are Guilty Food Pleasures?

Another reason why we eat these foods is that they’re readily available and easy to consume. When we’re tired or stressed, the last thing we want to do is cook a healthy meal. It’s much easier to grab something unhealthy but familiar. And let’s be honest, unhealthy food is usually more delicious than healthy food. Who wants to eat a salad when you can have a cheeseburger?


Finally, we eat these foods because they remind us of happy times in our lives. Maybe you always ate ice cream as a child when you were feeling sad or had pizza on Friday nights with your family. These foods bring back happy memories and make us feel comforted and loved.

But Why Do We Feel Guilty About Eating Guilty Food Pleasures?

There are different theories about why we feel guilty after eating our favourite junk foods. One theory is that we feel guilty because we know we shouldn't be eating them. We know that they're not good for our health, so we feel guilty because we're going against our better judgment. Another theory is that we feel guilty because we're worried about what other people will think of us if they see us eating unhealthy foods. We don't want to be judged for our food choices, so we feel guilty because we're afraid of being judged.


The third and final theory is that we feel guilty because we're not used to eating these foods regularly. Our bodies are not accustomed to processed foods and sugary snacks, so when we eat them, our bodies react negatively and make us feel guilty. This theory makes the most sense to me, as I often find myself feeling guilty after eating junk food, even though I know I shouldn't feel that way.




Guilty food pleasures are foods we know we shouldn’t eat but can’t resist. They make us feel happy at the moment, even if we regret it later. We continue to eat them because they’re readily available and easy to consume and remind us of happy times in our lives. Next time you’re feeling down or stressed, try reaching for a healthy snack instead of your usual guilty pleasure. Your body will thank you!

What does Toronopho serve?

Toronto Pho is the best place to go if you're searching for a delicious and authentic pho experience! Our restaurant is family-owned and operated, so we know how to make our customers feel at home. Plus, we offer quick delivery services at all four locations across Ontario. So what are you waiting for? Come and try us out today!

Try our famous:

 Rare beef and  beef ball PHO

Shrimp and Chicken Pad Thai

House Special Egg Noodle in Soup


Simply use our easy-to-use app for Android and iPhone smartphones to place an order online for pickup or delivery.


You can get pho soup and other authentic Vietnamese dishes at our restaurant anytime! We're open late every day of the week so that you can enjoy a yummy meal no matter when your cravings strike.