Things you should never do on a dinner date

Checking your phone constantly –shows that you’re not interested in the conversation.

Many of us can‘t seem to help it; when our phone buzzes, we have to check it! But if checking your phone hinders an in-person conversation, you may appear disrespectful or nonchalant. Whether you’re out with friends or having a one-on-one chat with someone, glancing at your devices every other minute shows that you’re not interested in the conversation at hand. Rather than relying on your technology for entertainment, take appreciation in real conversations and moments shared with others - they will surely make lasting memories.

Talking about exes is a major turn-off and will make your date uncomfortable.

Discussing exes on a date is not a great idea, especially if you're getting to know someone. Not only could it be seen as disrespectful if you trash talk your ex or dwell on the past relationship, but it also puts your date in an awkward position - why are we talking about someone else when we're supposed to be having fun getting to know each other? Conversations about former partners can often come across as gossipy and seem like badmouthing, so it's generally better left unspoken. Bring up something more positive and lighthearted to help make a date a success!

Getting drunk on your date – not only is this impolite, but it also makes you look bad.

Getting drunk on a date can be tempting, especially if you're nervous or want to take the edge off. While it may seem like it could help you relax and appear more confident, the reality is that it doesn't make you look good. It can make you seem immature and send out an irresponsible message – neither of which will help you keep your date's attention. There’s no better way to ruin a potential bond than giving into drunkenness while on a first encounter. So say no and remember to stay classy; chances are your date will appreciate it.

Eating with your mouth open – this is just plain gross. If you're eating something like Pho and can't help but slurp, make sure to have napkins nearby.

Eating with your mouth open is an unpleasant sight. It makes it uncomfortable for yourself and those around you and can even be considered rude or inappropriate in specific scenarios. While some dishes like Pho can necessitate a bit of slurping, at other times, it’s essential to exercise caution before taking such actions. Keeping napkins nearby is not a bad idea either - they can be used to gently pat your mouth to remove any stray food particles that may have otherwise ended up on the tabletop! Moreover, having a napkin handy also speaks volumes about etiquette and common courtesy - certainly desirable qualities!

Making negative comments about the food on your date – be grateful for what you have!

Making negative comments about the food you're served on a date is surely a surefire way to ruin the mood. Not only are you showing disrespect to your date and ruining their hard work, but you're also proving how ungrateful you can be. It's important to remember that no matter how much of a culinary expert you think you might be, many people worldwide go hungry every day. Showing appreciation for what's in front of you and being thankful that you have something to eat at least once a day should be your mindset. We all make mistakes - going on dates included! - but be considerate of yourself and others more often than not.


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Things that you should avoid doing on a first date if you want to make a good impression. Of course, we all make mistakes, but we try to avoid these as much as possible. And if you're ever in Woodbridge, be sure to come to check us out at Toronto Pho!


Who are we?


Looking for a yummy Vietnamese food new me on your phone? Come check us out at Toronto PHO! We offer customers authentic and healthy Asian-Vietnamese food in four locations across Ontario - Vaughan, Kleinburg, Toronto, Woodbridge and Hamilton. We are particularly proud of our PHO, but remember to check out the other items on our menu. We're open late into the night, so you can visit us anytime your taste buds call!

In addition to delicious Vietnamese foods, we suggest trying Taiwanese desserts at Torontopho or famous Vietnamese desserts like Flan, All-Star or Icy Cold at all our four locations.