Mango salad is a popular East Asian salad variety. For those that have never tried it and are looking for a new salad to add to their diet routine, it’s well worth a taste. Although it can come differently, mango salad from Vietnam is usually created from coriander leaves, lime juice, salt, spices including sometimes cayenne, yambean or yicama, and of course mangos.

If you’re looking for healthy eating, mango salad is a strong contender for an enjoyable healthy salad. Why it’s so healthy is, well, primarily because of the mangos. Not only are they juicy and refreshing but they’re packing one heck of a punch to them. They’re high in fiber and low in calories, are a good source of antioxidants, and they’ve been shown to have some unique additional health benefits relating to processes in the body.

Read more: How Many Calories in Mango Salad and How Healthy Is It – read here!

Choosing Fresh Spring Rolls over Fried is One Way to Go to Get on your Way to Healthier Eating

When you’re losing weight or wanting to maintain a healthy weight, light eating is a big help. Dishes like fresh spring rolls are filling just up to the right point and provide you all the nutrition you need to move forward with your day having been fed something deliciously nutritious. Although they do come fried, going with them fresh is an easy step towards keeping those inches off and stepping up your nutrition game.

Imagine like a shrimp salad in a roll. Now imagine peanut sauce on the table to dip them in. In a nutshell, this is the experience of eating Vietnamese-style fresh spring rolls. They’re visually pleasing, are made with fresh herbs, can even have some fruit in them, and are second to none. If spring and summer are seasons of growth and sunshine, fresh food and light meals like this are ideal for the adventurer in us all.

Read more: Choosing Fresh Spring Rolls over Fried is One Way to Go to Get on your Way to Healthier Eating

Vietnamese cuisine has the benefit of producing some real excellent low-carb meals although admittedly you have to be careful. It’s very easy to have something like a bowl of pho, thinking it’s low-carb all the way, and yet, it could be filled with all sorts of carbs you don’t need.

Simple switch-outs for low-carb diets include choosing vegetables over rice or adding protein instead of starch in a meal. In some Vietnamese restaurants in Toronto, finding low-carb menu items can be a challenge. That said, there are some dishes which are easy to keep or turn into low-carb. Here’s a quick list.

Read more: What is the Best Low-Carb Vietnamese Food for Maintaining a Healthy Weight – read here!

What Does Pho mean to Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Pho is a dish you can find easily in Toronto, across a network of Vietnamese families and restaurants. Commonly mispronounced as ‘faux’, the dish known to Vietnamese people as ‘fa’ is hot, aromatic, balanced, and healthy. Pho is also a meal that easily suits a range of diets from low-carb to vegan.

So what’s so special about pho in Toronto – well, it comes with a history. Pho is a dish with only about 100 years of history behind it. Compared to other ethnic cuisine meals, that’s not much. Even so, it’s got a very storied history and is closely tied to Vietnamese families living in Toronto.

Read more: What Does Pho mean to Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Healthy eating and Vietnamese cuisine aren’t far apart. The country has some of the healthiest dishes in ethnic cuisine, in large part because the ingredients are always fresh and a lot of vegetables are common. Here’s a quick rundown of what we believe to be the 10 healthiest Vietnamese foods.

Fresh fruit

Vietnam is well known for being full of nutritious and delicious fruit. Some of the healthiest fruits in Vietnamese cuisine include things like oranges, mangosteen, dragon fruit, milk fruit, papaya, and mangoes.

Read more: What are the Healthiest Dishes in Vietnamese Cuisine – A List of 10 Vietnamese Foods

When it comes to the food we choose to eat, not many of us think about the eco-friendliness of what sits on our plate. Unfortunately, some of the healthiest foods for our bodies can also be a significant strain on the planet.

Discussing ethnic cuisines, there is no one which is healthier for the Earth than others. That said, there are several ways to eat sustainably pulling from different cuisines from around the world. If one is aware of where the food that sits on their plate has come from, it can be much easier to eat eco-friendly.

Did you know food production is estimated to account for as much as 26 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions every year – it’s true. Food waste also is responsible for up to 8 percent. Considering the effects climate change can have on droughts and storms, 800 million or more could be at risk for food security. Needless to say, that’s a sizeable amount of environmental damage which could be minimized by knowing what food is best from an eco-sustainable perspective for a population.

Read more: Where Does Vietnamese Rank on the World’s Most Eco-Friendly Ethnic Cuisines – read here